Ruth Goffason
A graduate of management science-University of Liberia that achieved an aggregate sale of over 11 million United States dollars in 4 year-range. A highly disciplined youth with excellent entrepreneurial and resource management skills.
Zarwolo Labala
Plant Manager
A graduate of Booker Washington Institute and a certificate holder in Biomass Power Plant Management, Operations and Maintenance.
Has been involved in the installations, operations and maintenance of All Power Labs Power Pallets since its entry into Liberia market in 2013 till date. Has 9 years experience managing PP at BWI/REC and Kwendin.
John Kofa
An MBA accounting graduate of Cuttington University with over 10 years experience in accounting.
Louisa Packlane
Sales Manager
Astute sales personnel and an MBA marketing graduate of Cuttington Univeresity with aggregate sales record of over US3 million accumulated for the times spent with Coca Cola, International Aluminum and Oxhill Farms, Liberia